Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Go Out

If you are learning pickup you need to go out....alot. Think of it like practice, not socializing initially. Find a wing and go to target rich venues, even for just a little while.

You don't have to go out all night like you do with your friends. You don't have to get drunk and spend a lot of money.

Go for 1 or two hours to the closest venue. Approach every good set and leave. Once you get good, you won't be able to leave and you won't have to open many girls. They will start to hook and your success rate will be much higher than when you started... Once this happens, you can back off on going out all the time. You're starting to get it....


Skillspua said...

This is Gold. I remember listening to one of the programs where BadBoy talks about how he would go out and get free entrance to clubs because he knew bouncers and just drink water... A lot of times when I don't want to go out its an excuse, theres no need to 'Go Big' just a few hours will be enough to raise my game bigtime.

akaisoras said...

anywhere like shopping malls, and book stores???