Monday, January 22, 2007

Take Care of Yourself

Too many guys go out looking like crap. Go buy a bunch of men's fashion magazines. Look at guys who are serious players. Choose a style based on that. Then go into your closet and THROW OUT ALL YOUR DORKY FUCKING CLOTHES. NOW!

If you don't need them for work, you should not be wearing them. Go to the store and buy cool clothes. If you have no ideas on what to buy, get them from magazines, or better yet, get a hot girl... doesn't matter if she's your sister to help you pick them out. Whatever you buy, make sure they fit right. Ask the sales girls whether the large or the medium look better. Ill fitting clothes are a sign of social retardation and a lack of fashion sense.

You are NEVER going to get a hot girl wearing a dorky sweater and straight cut jeans that don't fit you. You don't need to "peacock" but you need to be wearing something that says you are unique and have a personal style. Choose a style, study examples of it and then dress for it.

GET IN SHAPE. I can't stress this enough. If you are fat and/or doughy, it's hurting your success with women. And 90% likely, it is your fault. Unless you have some sort of medical condition stopping you, get your ass in shape. Stop eating like shit. Work out daily. Even if it's 20 minutes in your house. You don't need to join a gym. I know plenty of guys who work out at home... Go to and for ideas on how. Being out of shape triggers a biological turn off for women. We are working to appeal to her instincts. Her instincts tell her to mate with a fit mate. Don't handicap yourself by sending mixed signals with a fat unhealthy body.

Being well dressed and in shape are CHOICES. They reflect things not only on the outside, but are excellent looks into your psyche. Respecting yourself enough to dress sharply and take care of yourself are both signs of an alpha male mind that she will instinctively notice, register and respond to... before you've even said a word.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Mastering Hard Sets

Not every set will go easily. Some will screw with you and not give you any initial signs of Attraction. Deal with it. This is part of the game. In all honesty, some of the hottest girls I’ve slept with were completely hostile when I met them. Dealing with shit tests and hostile sets is part of getting good. You need to learn a few things to master this…

There are a few reasons girls will act up like this but the main one is that they are testing your frame. They are checking to see if you will curl your tail up and run away to the corner like a wounded kitten. They don’t want kittens. They want lions. One of the best skills you can learn is non-reactivity. When you have mastered non-reactivity, you will not respond or flinch at any of the nonsense they throw at you. Non-reactivity shows that you have a strong ego and that you are above her. Whatever she does to try to affect you is ineffective because she is not powerful enough to hurt you. Her shit tests are irrelevant. They amuse you.

This doesn’t mean she is “worthless” or that you don’t care what she has to say… It just means that she is not capable of shifting your reality or your positive view of yourself. You are a powerful alpha male, not some apologetic chode who hangs on the words of some random girl. You live in your world, not hers.

One of BadBoy’s favorite tactics to deal with shit tests is to just smile and say, “Shhh…I’m talking, my dear.” And then continue on with the story he’s telling. When you smile and say it in an amused non-reactive way, the girl will be sucked into YOUR reality. Often she will laugh and be amused by your response…the same as you are. She follows your emotional lead. Your reality has won. You have won. You have passed her test. You are now in control.

BadBoy talks a lot about this in the new ebook. The importance of Frames, Power Differentials and more tactics on how to deal with Shit Tests and the underlying dynamics of what is TRULY going on in these situations is covered in great detail.

For more on the topic, I suggest you pick it up when it’s released later this month…



Monday, January 8, 2007

$150 off a Badboy Seduction Workshop!

Contact me to sign up for a bootcamp in the next 48 hours and I'll take $150 off the price.

Now's the time to get this part of your life in order and learn the skills for a lifetime that will get you the women you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

Mail me now at to take advantage of the offer.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Study: Testosterone is Attractive

Scientific evidence backing up everything BBL has been teaching for years. See article below...

Women want masculine men for sexual relationships and nice guys for domestication, child rearing and emotional support.

This study only talks about physical characteristics, but doesn't touch on the most important indicator of hormonal balance...behavior.

High testosterone, alpha male behavior is a huge indicator of where you sit on this hormonal scale...and it's luckily the one thing we can control. How you behave will totally determine, from the very moment a woman meets you, which category she slots you into. And we want to be in the masculine, sexually desirable category for sure.

The title of this article is misleading (like most info from the social matrix)... Any guy who is masculine and able to have a girl for a sexual "fling" can have her for a relationship if he wants. He's the one in control. It's his decision. She has given herself to him. But the reverse isn't true. Nice guys who are kept around to supplicate and buy dinner don't suddenly drive a girl sexually crazy. He gets to stay around as long as he's obedient and fulfills his subservient provider/listener role. Don't get caught in the latter position...

So ask yourself honestly, where does your behavior put you? Are you the highly sexual desirable alpha male she's dying to spread her legs for, or are you the emasculated nice guy she thinks she can make into her lap dog?

How Women Pick Mates vs. Flings

Abigail W. Leonard
Special to LiveScience
Tue Jan 2, 12:10 PM ET

Science might be able to explain our fascination with Brad Pitt's chiseled jaw and George Clooney's smoldering eyes.

Women seem to judge potential mates by how masculine their features are, new research shows. Men with square jaws and well-defined brow ridges are seen as good short-term partners, while those with more feminine traits such as a rounder face and fuller lips are perceived as better long-term mates.

In the study, 854 male and female subjects viewed a series of male head shots that had been digitally altered to exaggerate or minimize masculine traits. The participants then answered questions about how they expected the men in the photos to behave.

Overwhelmingly, participants said those with more masculine features were likely to be risky and competitive and also more apt to fight, challenge bosses, cheat on spouses and put less effort into parenting. Those with more feminine faces were seen as good parents and husbands, hard workers and emotionally supportive mates [compare examples].

Despite all the negative attributes, when asked who they would choose for a short-term relationship, women still selected the more masculine looking men. Brad and George then would be picks for a brief romance, if not the long haul.

Makes sense

The study, detailed in the December issue of the journal Personal Relationships, reached conclusions similar to research published earlier last year in Britain.

The new study's author, Daniel Kruger at the University of Michigan's School of Public Health, said that from an evolutionary perspective, it makes sense women would view more masculine-looking men as potential flings and less masculine-looking ones as long-term partners.

The key, he said, is testosterone, the hormone responsible for development of masculine facial features and other secondary sexual characteristics.

Testosterone is necessary for development, but can also have detrimental health effects. It has been shown, for example, to interfere with the body's immune response, so men who are able to maintain high levels of the hormone are typically strong and healthy—traits women would want to pass on to their progeny.

Increased testosterone has also been linked to male cheating and violence in relationships, so while these men might produce high quality offspring, they don't always make great parents or faithful mates, Kruger says.

The study suggests women could be equipped to use seemingly superficial characteristics "as a cue to pick up on trends in these behavioral strategies," Kruger said.

Get a clue

There are plenty of these signals in the animal world. Male peacocks' huge, outrageous tails can make foraging for food and evading predators difficult, but the plumage, which many researchers say indicates male fitness, is so effective at luring females that the trait has been preserved in the population, Kruger points out.

While the findings are compelling, the scientific community has typically greeted the field of physiognomy, which links facial characteristics to certain behavioral traits, with skepticism.

Kruger argues, however, that the research is a valuable tool for understanding mating strategies. And, of course, for explaining how Pitt and Clooney managed to snag People Magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive" title two times each—it might have to do with their genes, but could also have something to do with ours.