Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Mastering Hard Sets

Not every set will go easily. Some will screw with you and not give you any initial signs of Attraction. Deal with it. This is part of the game. In all honesty, some of the hottest girls I’ve slept with were completely hostile when I met them. Dealing with shit tests and hostile sets is part of getting good. You need to learn a few things to master this…

There are a few reasons girls will act up like this but the main one is that they are testing your frame. They are checking to see if you will curl your tail up and run away to the corner like a wounded kitten. They don’t want kittens. They want lions. One of the best skills you can learn is non-reactivity. When you have mastered non-reactivity, you will not respond or flinch at any of the nonsense they throw at you. Non-reactivity shows that you have a strong ego and that you are above her. Whatever she does to try to affect you is ineffective because she is not powerful enough to hurt you. Her shit tests are irrelevant. They amuse you.

This doesn’t mean she is “worthless” or that you don’t care what she has to say… It just means that she is not capable of shifting your reality or your positive view of yourself. You are a powerful alpha male, not some apologetic chode who hangs on the words of some random girl. You live in your world, not hers.

One of BadBoy’s favorite tactics to deal with shit tests is to just smile and say, “Shhh…I’m talking, my dear.” And then continue on with the story he’s telling. When you smile and say it in an amused non-reactive way, the girl will be sucked into YOUR reality. Often she will laugh and be amused by your response…the same as you are. She follows your emotional lead. Your reality has won. You have won. You have passed her test. You are now in control.

BadBoy talks a lot about this in the new ebook. The importance of Frames, Power Differentials and more tactics on how to deal with Shit Tests and the underlying dynamics of what is TRULY going on in these situations is covered in great detail.

For more on the topic, I suggest you pick it up when it’s released later this month…




Anonymous said...

this is one thing that i need to learn

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% and more.

I remember the day I realised this "simple" fact.

I was in the bar with a really hot babe and we were talking bla bla bla... Then she suddenly made a really sexy move and I "jumped" at her...

I have not seen such a face before... anger, disgust, total resistance and more; all at the same time. She pushed me away and she was really nasty...

She was schocked due to my reaction but she was even more shocked of my second reaction.

I did not care, I was just there congruent, centered, stable, confident and behaving as everything is totaly cool and OK.
She was there I was there, she was sexy and I wanted to fuck her. Simple and plain; and before all NORMAL.
That was the first time I realised that I am the one that will decide who I am going to fuck and who not.

I still do not understand why cheeks behave in a way they really do not want to behave, though I do not care.
I do not need to bother with this. What matters is the belief and the frame I have.
I know that if I decide I will fuck I will fuck no mather what her first reaction is. It is not that they decide (as chickenshits-all those excusers often tell). It is me who decide.
The main point is the frame "you are here and I am here to fuck you. Simple and plain. That is the fact."

I do not need to say that she later told me that my non reaction was the coolest reaction she ever encountered and yes I fucked her and went on as there are new challenges to fuck.

You allways learn something new as every chick is unique and that is what makes our lives interesting.