Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Internet vs. In Field

A lot of guys swear by the internet for getting girls, but in actuality it isn't any easier than just going out and finding girls on your own, if you know what you are doing. Most of the girls I've seen guys pull off the internet have been 7s at best. I'm sure there are exceptions, but I've yet to see one... You can walk out your front door and pull 6s and 7s all the time. Who cares?

If you take the two hours you spend mailing girls online and get your ass into a target rich environment, you can meet as many hot girls as you want, probably more, because most of the hot ones won't mail you back online anyway...the 6s will of course. If you don't look like a male model in your pics, you can still charm and seduce a hot woman in person with tight game. If you are good in field, just about every girl will talk to you, giving you a fair chance at seducing her. Plus, you are improving your skills and becoming a better seducer by practicing on a regular basis.

Also, when you do manage to set up a meet with a girl online, the guy with more in field experience will be MUCH better equipped to convert this opportunity into sex becase he's better calibrated, more skilled and more experienced.

In field, you can tell what a girl really looks like so there won't be any "surprises" when she's 25 lbs heavier or has acne. In field, you can tell whether you really like a girl's personality in 5 minutes so you don't waste your time on girls that aren't your type or are annoying, stupid, whatever... It's much better to get your girls in field.

In the long run, you will have hotter girls for the same time commitment if you get your ass off the computer and into the bars. If you are happy with 6s, then stick to the internet, which is fine. More hot girls for me in field... ;)


Anonymous said...

Once again, because of MySpace and Facebook I almost slipped back into INTERNET dating efforts. Thank you for pointing out the elusive obvious.

It has been two years since I took your workshop in London. It has been difficult to live up to the standards that you taught us were possible to demand of life. I have had to reject hundreds of people in order to maintain my self-respect.

She takes it up the ass though and pays my rent. EXCELLENT!


crypticfox said...

The exception is of course when you're sitting at work with nothing to do. Might as well sarge teh intarweb. hahaha

Henk Bovekerk said...
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akaisoras said...

haha, that is informative and funny, one thing i know though is that when you actaully meet up a girl that you thought was hot and found her fuking ugly, but still want to do something with her with nobody seing the two of you , just by doing that it fuks your game up badly, you are nervous , she will end up not liking you as much as you didnt like her

akaisoras said...

your sitting there thinking, damn this girl is ugly, you just end up not playing your A game out because your too worried other guys will see you with this ugly girl, but on the other side the girl will think damn this guy is not interesting, and she will leave you and tell her friend you werent the guy you were online ..